How do I add & track my commissions or extra income?

Step 1

Click on the "Money" button on the menu bar.

Step 1

Step 2

Click on the sub menu "Income."

Step 2

Step 3

Next click on the button "Add Income Type."

Step 3

Step 4

Now, name the type of income you are wanting to track.  For example, call it "Commissions".  Then click "Save"

Step 4

Step 4

Click the button "Add Income"

Step 4

Step 5

Assign the date you received the income (commission), then select the type of income.  In this case "Commission."  Add a "Description," "Reference" (if needed), and the "Amount."  Then click "Save"

Step 5


Your entry will now appear on the income list page.  It will also be listed in the income reports as well.

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